Have you thought of what delights you might come away with on the 2nd of February? A bounty of seeds of course, but there’s also food for thought on offer from our speakers.
Venue for 2025: Brighton Open Market Marshalls Row, Brighton and Hove, BN1 4JU
The Seed Swap
No seeds to swap? Simply make a 50p donation at the seed table.
At the heart of Seedy Sunday is the giant seed swap table. Bring seeds to swap saved from last year’s crops. Seed saving experts and gardeners will be on hand to offer all the advice you need to choose and grow your seeds. You can collect Seedy Sunday envelopes from Infinity Foods in Brighton.
A range of fascinating talks for 2024
Programme for 2025 coming soon…
We will have a small space upstairs at Brighton Open Market – look for signs by the Marshall’s Row entrance. Space is limited, so this year we are inviting you to book through our Eventbrite page. We are charging £3 for each talk. Find out how to start a wildflower patch from Lindy, learn from George and Rosa about Laines Organic Farm, where Infinity Foods source their lovely local veg, discover how what you’re doing by being part of this event is an act of resistance from researcher Helene Schulze. And of course, the collective gardening wisdom of our GQT panel. Talks will start at 10.30 am and run through to 4.00pm.
10.30 to 11.30 Laines Organic Farm and Infinity Foods
The story of the wonderful world of Laines Organic Farm and its harmonious collaboration with Infinity Foods. This talk will be a conversation between George Sauverin of Infinity Foods with Rosa Farber and Toos Jeuken from Laines Organic Farm. They will discuss the work of the farm including its Demeter-certified biodynamic practice and its supply of local produce to Infinity Foods. Speakers: George Sauverin, Rosa Farber, Toos Jeuken.
12.00 to 1.00: The Wildflower Conservation Society in Stanmer Park
The Wildflower Conservation Society is a charity inspired by John Gapper (also known as the Green Man of Sussex) and managed by volunteers to enhance the wildflower population in Brighton with a focus on our chalk grassland plants and their pollinators.
Lindy will talk about how the project started, is developing and include ideas on how to grow a wildflower patch to support wildlife in general. There’ll be photos of plants, butterflies and more to inspire interest and growth. Speaker: Lindy Brook Tweed
1.30 to 2.30: The politics of seed saving, with Helene Schulze
Helene is part of the collective behind the London Freedom Seed Bank. Formerly working at the Seed Sovereignty Programme, she is doing a PhD exploring the contributions of seeds savers, particularly of migrant heritage, to crop diversity and building more just, resilient and joyful urban food futures. Helene will discuss the political and social benefits of seed saving, with some practical tips about where to get your seeds, and some inspiring stories from around the world.
3.00 to 4.00: Local Gardeners’ Question Time
Come and discuss your gardening conundrums and share tips and ideas. Expert local gardeners answer your gardening questions including: Richard Suggett, host of www.theveggrowerpodcast.co.uk ; Ruth Urbanowitz – Local Organic Gardening expert and founder member of Brighton and Hove Organic Gardening Group; Pat Childerhouse of Weald Allotments in Hove. Chaired by Kate Harrison of Seedy Sunday
Huge thanks to our sponsor Infinity Foods Cooperative. Our horticultural marketplace returns with seed potatoes, rare and heritage plants, unusual edible plants, organic seeds and locally made vegetarian and vegan products. Sussex Surplus offer affordable catering.
Be inspired for the gardening year at Seedy Sunday!