Kate Harrison, Chair
I’ve been living in Brighton for over twenty years – a visit to one of the early Seedy Sundays convinced me what a brilliant place Brighton is to live! I’ve been gardening on the Weald allotments for over 16 years, and I love the community and being in nature as much as the fresh fruit and veg I get to grow and share.
I like experimenting with unusual varieties and gardening approaches – a high point this year was growing Yacon for the first time, a low point was battling with the effects of the drought!
I see Seedy Sunday as a small but powerful act of resistance against the giant agrochemical industry and solidarity in our local gardening community.
Saskia Wesnigk, Seed Exchange & Volunteer Coordinator
I have been a volunteer at Seedy Sunday for years and joined the committee in 2018 because I care deeply about sustainability, growing food, and cooking with seasonal, local produce.
I enjoy working with Ros on choosing the seeds we order to add to the swapping table, specialising in open pollinated varieties. I have also in past years helped with coordinating the speakers.
I write plays and direct shows: in February 2021 I wrote a play called ‘Love in the Time of Lockdown’ which was performed at the Brighton and Edinburgh Fringe. In 2022 with my group SwanWing Productions we took my new play ‘The Women of Battle’ to the Edfringe again and are planning to perform it on tour. www.saskiawesnigk.net. Photo by Robert Piwko
Pat Childerhouse – Speaker Programme
Beth Chaplin, Communications
I love experimenting with small space gardening in my back yard – using vertical space, I grow runner beans up the water pipes and various sweet-pea types around my railings.
I re-cycle containers like wooden wine boxes to grow rocket and lettuce in, and my herbs are grown in an old iron fireplace grate. During the Summer I make high woven willow plant supports to grow tomatoes and broad beans up.
I love to draw and paint what I grow. And there is nothing better than eating fresh vegetables that you have grown yourself.
I have been on the Seedy Sunday Committee for several years, and the passion and community leading up to and at the event always nurtures my soul.
Amy Hope, Graphics and Communications